Keep Your Trees Safe!

Did you know that the winter is the time of the year when most house fires occur? It’s true!

So, how do we go about keeping your home safe? Take a minute to find out!

Now that you’ve cleaned up the Thanksgiving left overs and were in the process of creating a holiday atmosphere in our homes and businesses it’s time to get a Christmas tree! This time of the year is filled with parties not only with friends and family but also different activities that you, your spouse and your kids are involved in too! Plus you have to get those Christmas cards out, bake those cookies and Christmas shop too! It’s such a busy time and it’s so important to slow down and really enjoy this time with family and friends and not do too much!

This is also the time of year where we may leave candles burning when we rush out of the house headed to another activity or holiday party! We might forget to water the tree or in the rush to get the tree up we put it too close to heat sources and we forget to check the what seems like hundreds of light strands to see that nothing has been chewed or is loose or frayed. By not slowing down to do all of these things we are putting ourselves at risk for a home fire! So this holiday season SLOW down and pay attention to what’s going on and blow those candles out!

We wish you, your family and friends the best this holiday season!

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