New Year’s… New You? New Us?

The New Year brings change, hope, inspiration and motivation to many people and businesses! We try to better not only our personal lives but our work lives and businesses too! It’s an out with the old and in with the new mentality. As some of us set to writing out daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals it’s fun to reflect back on 2016 with fond memories.

Every year has its ups and downs and as long as we learn from our mistakes and don’t replicate them we are setting ourselves up for success! We’ve had many wonderful memories made and some not great memories too! Some goals we had set for ourselves didn’t quite pan out like we thought they would. We learned for it and moved on.

We were smiling ear to ear celebrating 40 years and were saddened to have Bob Meiers retire this year. He has been a staple in the office for 40 years but we are excited for all of his new retirement adventures!

We have achieved Top 10 production in the western Michigan region with one of our largest companies for the second year in a row! Our agency received national recognition for becoming a Best Practices Agency. We implemented a mobile app so that you could have your proof of insurance at the tips of your fingers. Our support staff was able to pursue educational opportunities this year too

We’ve donated supplies, money and time to various local charities throughout the year to help not only our local community but our global community as well. We’ve implemented our quarterly Trusted Choice for Charities campaign where we donate up to $500 to a local charity that is in need. All of these things and more culminating in helping our agency to continue to flourish in this ever changing world filled with new risks.

This year our entire staff is writing out goals for themselves both personally and professionally as we’ve found what gets written gets done. These goals will be daily, weekly, monthly and a yearly goal. We hope you can take a few minutes to join us and writing out your goals! You’ll surprise yourself at how successful you will be once they are written down.

Stay tuned for more blog posts from us! Now you can write down the following to help jump start your daily goals by checking in with us on social media, watching our Film Me Friday videos and downloading our FREE app. Just go to the App Store and download the Insurance Agent app!

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FRIDAY HOURS: Our office will be closing at 4PM on Friday's. If you have a claims emergency please call 517-351-9117 or click on "Client Services" for help.