Gutters…Who Knew???

Gutters…Who Knew?

This past weekend was just beautiful here in Michigan! The sun was shining, the sky was blue, a nice breeze and you could feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Will and I went for a walk through our neighborhood just chatting away about lots of stuff. We ended up talking about gutters…who knew? First off don’t judge J Second, I know that’s exactly what you and your spouse or friends talk about on a beautiful spring day in Michigan J Ha!

So…the reason why is because we had recently had gutters put on our house to get the water away from the house and to slow down the process of soggy boards on our deck. The prior owners had told us that they had them removed because they didn’t like how they looked…insert BIG sigh. Really?! I guess they didn’t realize that the purpose of gutters was to move water away from your home; but to each their own.

When we put the gutters on the local gutter contractor matched our gutters to our darker brown siding and to be honest they blend perfectly with the siding and rest of the house. You really don’t notice them. J While we were having the gutters installed we decided to put gutter guards on so we wouldn’t need to worry about cleaning out the gutters. They have worked fantastically. Both Will and I appreciate not having to get up on the ladder to clean them out. We check them out to make sure everything is working right but the guards have really eliminated the need to clean them out on our own.

Our latest project is working on redoing the basement and bathroom and we are working with a local contractor to help us out. As we are getting into demo we are running into some problems with the flooring currently in the basement. Since there were not any gutters water was coming in through the door outside and damaging the floors. Since our basement is like a walk out and we didn’t have gutters the water didn’t have anywhere to go but inside especially on really rainy days. Who would have thought so many issues could have been solved just by installing gutters? Our risk management Spidey senses told us we needed gutters but still it would have been more “fun” to spend that money on this demo or a TV J Ha! So please take care of your gutters or get them installed if you don&rsqn uo;t have them.

Spring brings with it a lot of rain. Please take the time to clean out those gutters at home and at your business. Even if you don’t like the way they look they do serve a purpose to move water away from your home.

As we continued on our walk we were checking out houses and their gutters and almost every house had them and they blended in with the house so you hardly noticed them. Speaking from experience installing gutters and gutter guards is totally worth it. If you don’t all of that water has to go somewhere and it’s finding ways into your home, business and seasonal home!

[[ gutter-cleaning-new-orleans-la.jpg ]]

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