Our Journey with Keystone Insurers Group

Our Journey with Keystone Insurers Group

On a beautiful April day after weeks of research, reading of contracts, lots of sticky note useage, lists of questions and future agency vision planning Will and I decided to take the plunge and sign a contract with Keystone Insurers Group. We feel that by aligning ourselves with this partnership it would take our agency to the next level and provide us with so many benefits not only for ourselves, our team but most importantly YOU our clients!

We’ve been asked loads of questions about our partnership and how it impacts our team and why we joined and what exactly is Keystone. I wanted to take some time to address these questions from our perspective and most importantly how it impacts YOU our clients.

Let’s take the bull by the horns and start with what Keystone actually is and does. Keystone was born in 1983 when four independent agencies teamed up to pool their resources. These four pioneer agencies believed that independence was key and they would still retain that but together they would be stronger and have a bigger voice as a united team instead of on their own. This initial concept is still in place today as “independence works better together.” Currently, there are over 300 partners in multiple states!

Our agency is still the same as it was prior to our partnership with Keystone! Our team now has a lot of intellectual capital at their fingertips. We also have more training opportunities that we didn’t have access to before as well as access to additional markets as needed. As you all may know with the success of our Film Me Fridays we really value education and intellectual capital. It really helps us continue to thrive as a team and Keystone does a phenomenal job at helping us with this as well.

So…I’ve explained what this partnership does for us but more importantly what does this do YOU? Well…we are now even more engaged with a network of independent agencies just like us. Since we are independent we are not required to sell you a specific product from a specific insurance company. Keystone strengthens our independence and we can exceed all of your personal and business needs from the straight forward to the complex concerns. The community of Keystone partners have seen it all! Keystone also provides us with unique relationships with insurance companies. These relationships allow us to go beyond our local and even regional levels. This is unique from other agencies. We also have unique products and coverages available to us as Keystone partners and only available to us.

We are still the same great agency we have always been with more resources and relationships available to us to better serve you. We have NOT sold the agency and we have NOT been bought out. We have joined the Keystone family. If you have any concerns or questions please reach out to me at 517-351-9117 or lisa@mllins.com!

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