The Mitten High Fives Oklahoma YAC

The Mitten High Fives Oklahoma YACnn

Will and I have known the Oklahoma Young Agents (YA) for quite some time now through our involvement with our national association, IIABA (Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America) Young Agents program. We connected with them at a national YA event and have been friends ever since. Over the years we have continued to meet more and more and have been friends ever since. Last year IIABA asked Will and I to sit on a panel to talk about our “story” working in a family agency, working together and our perpetuation of the agency.

First off Oklahoma is a beautiful state filled with an amazing insurance people who care about and love what they do. We were picked up at the airport by a friendly face, Wes Becknell that we met at a national conference a couple years back. He made us feel extremely welcome right from the get go. By the time our flight landed and we drove to the hotel we made it just as they were breaking for lunch. There were lots of hugs and laughs exchanged.

So…this is when my nerves and shear panic started sinking in. My hands were ice cold and my face was slowly changing from fair to red! I was SO worried that EVERYONOE would hate our presentation and our friends would regret asking us to come. I’m seriously like worst case scenario girl but come on! I’m in insurance it’s what we do! Ha!!

We get up there and….n

STAY TUNED until next week!!

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