Let’s Be Real Change & Growth is Tough and Kinda Scary

Let’s Be Real Change & Growth Is Tough & Kinda Scary

So we have a prettynbig construction project coming to a close here at the agency.I know it seemsnlike we just finished our last project well…because we did :). Ha! Last year onentenant in our building moved out so we rearranged our current tenants aroundnwhich opened up some space for us.We spent time andnmoney creating this new space and opening up areas that were once closed in.We also now haventwo separate dedicated areas…a conference room and break room space.See my past blogsnfor more info.

Even with this change it still left usnwith a vacancy. After several months without any leadsnand lowering the price of the rent we decided we would take over the space.In all honestly whyndidn’t we think of this sooner #changeistough!BIG step well HUGEnstep for us. This would mean more expense and lessnrental income for the building and us. It would also mean that our sales teamnincluding Will would have their own space all together instead of being spreadnout in our current condition.

This is just straightnup rad for them. I’m super stoked because I think beingnall together they can all work as a team.It gives everyoneneasier access to their mentors as well!They can listen andnlearn from one another and Will is right there not down the hall and farthernaway from them. This new space also has room for us tongrow and add additional sales staff.That was somethingnthat worried me because I know what our 5 year plan is and so does Will and Inwasn’t sure where we would put people.You can’t have yournsales team sitting on top of one another in a space that’s too small.It’s just not cool!

So we put in a doornfrom the break room into the new space with a pocket door and wide open spaces!Seriously though asnsoon as we opened up this space I could feel the spirit of the Dixie Chicks “WidenOpen Spaces” take hold as we walked into the new sales team space.Will’s office isnjust off that space with his own pocket door!

On a side note pocketndoors is where it’s at! I love them!! They are such a greatnspace saver and at least ours our beautiful.They look amazingnand then they tuck quietly away when we don’t need them!It’s just flat outna major win for the remodel! I think if I could I would have pocketndoors everywhere! Watch out regular doors the pocketndoors are taking over.

Sorry about thentangent this space is super large so Chris Cook and Justin Madar now have morenspace to stretch out a bit more then what they had before in the back of thenoffice.

We for sure haveneveryone moved in and we still have to install some storage for Chris andnJustin but for being less than a week into their new space I think we are doingnpretty well :). If you’re in the area come on over and stop in and see thenredesigned spaces! We’d love to have you!#mllins

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