New Year New Challenges

New Year New Challengesnn

Last year my goal was to blog once a week and although I didn’t accomplish this in its entirety I did a lot better than I did the prior year?. In all reality this is the mentality that makes people not want to set resolutions for themselves! I improved myself from the previous year and I may not have created 52 blogs this year but I created WAY more than the year before and that’s a big ‘ole “W” for me. That improvement should call for a high 5 or at least a pat on the back! Right?! Why does there seem to be a lot of crickets in my office right now! Maybe I’m my own on this one! It for sure wouldn’t be the first time. Ha!

So, onward and upward! I’m sure you are just as pumped as I am and waiting with bated breath to see what I’m resolving to do this year. My plan….insert drum roll please….my plan is to continue blogging and vlogging one more time than I did last year. I’m planning on using some new software to help me produce better vlogs than we have in the past. I would also like to do at least one maybe two vlogs featuring a couple of our clients and/or businesses we insure along with keeping up with my other responsibilities. I’m also hoping to do a little spin off of School House Rock about the life of an insurance agent and what happens here in our office when you contact us. These seem realistic and I have someone holding me accountable as well which works wonders really for me and anyone. So I’m hoping you LOVE most if not all of our upcoming vlogs! If there is sometn hing that you want to see or hear about let me know! You can email me at . Have a great year and good luck with your own goals!

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