Muscled Up for Charity #ArmWrestleChallenge

Muscled Up for Charity #ArmWrestleChallengenn

We were contacted on April 5 by IIABA (Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America) our national association because they wanted our help in raising awareness about Make A Wish World Wish Day on April 29th. They wanted to create a buzz for World Wish Day with the #armwrestlechallenge that would go live April 9th. Make A Wish is a charity that IIABA fully supports in a variety of ways throughout the years. Their support of Make A Wish both financially and by raising awareness has helped grant numerous wishes for sick children over the years. We couldn’t not help!

IIABA wanted us to create a video with our office arm wrestling and calling out another agency, state association, etc to create their own video because they were challenged by our agency. The agency’s that used the #armwrestlechallenge would also have $1000 donated in their agency’s name to Make A Wish World Wish Day.

Let’s get back to the fact that it was April 5 and they wanted to get started on April 9th! Yikes! That wasn’t much time! I gathered our team and explained what we were thinking and we were ready to run with it. I also called our state association, MAIA (Michigan Association of Independent Agents) as I volunteer with the Young Agents Committee (YAC). I thought it would be fun for our committee to also get our arms ready for the challenge and call out other YAC committees in other states that we know really well. Our committee was up for the challenge too!

The committee is headed to DC for our annual Legislative Conference where thousands of independent insurance agents will descend on their legislators to discuss important insurance related topics from health care, crop, tax and cyber security insurance. At this conference our YA committee will be calling out our YA friends from across the country to join us in the #armwrestlechallenge at landmarks in DC.n

Our agency started by calling out past YA chair Adam Jackson of Ron Jackson Insurance Agency in Kalamazoo MI. After several arm stretches and laughs Will and I got to work and although he put up a good fight I still won! Ha! Our team was pretty excited about it too so we filmed a second video with Chris Cook and Justin Madar calling out our current YA chair Erinn Swan at Hudson Muma in Bloomfield Hills and committee member Ben Rathbun at Rathbun Insurance in Lansing. Erinn accepted our challenge and we are waiting on Adam and Ben! You will have to tune in to see who won Part 2! We had a blast helping out Make A Wish and World Wish Day gain more traction.

Thank you to all who have watched both of our videos and if you haven’t watched them take a minute to watch, like and share them and challenge your family and friends! #armwrestlechallenge #trustedchoice #mllins

Will & Lisa battle it out at the #armwrestlechallege #smallandmighty…nn

Chris & Justin go arm to arm!! Who will be the winner in Part 2 of the #armwrestlechallengenn…nn

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