Rain Rain Go Away

Wow! Not only was this past weekend soggy but the beginning of this week has been pretty dreary too! In the insurance world this means we worry about water in basements, possible sump pump failures, clogged gutters and downspouts not properly attached. We highly encourage you to take a minute to check your basements at your homes, cottages, rentals and offices. We’ve had A LOT of water over the last few days so it is possible. Take a minute while you are down there to check on your sump pumps if you have one in your home, cottages, rentals and/or businesses! When was the last time you replaced your sump pump? Has it been quite some time? It might be time to give your local insured plumber a call to replace it or just come out and take a look at it and make sure it is working like it’s supposed to be!

Now, if it is fairly new do you have a battery back up in place? What will you do if your sump pump fails or the power goes out? These are all super important things that you must think about with sump pumps. We have a couple of clients who have a battery backup and also have bought a backup sump pump to have on hand just in case! They are rocking the Risk Management 101! J We have these conversations with our clients. We understand that everyone is busy and has “stuff” going on…and the last think on your mind is your sump pump….until something goes wrong!

We want to encourage you to be proactive when it comes to your sump pumps. You’ll thank us when you don’t have water in your basements! If you have questions or concerns about your coverages contact us via email, social media or call us 517.351.9117! #mllins #sumppumps #rainraingoaway #bloggingisonpointtodayn

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