Let Us Be Your Insurance Nerds

As the sun rose over our office on July 17th we just knewnit was going to be an very special day. Why you might ask? Well, it’s NationalnInsurance Nerd Day of course and while some are offended by the term nerd andnthe connotation of the term our office took the time to embrace our innerninsurance nerds!

For those of you not familiar with our holiday it wasncreated in 2016 to celebrate everyone who is employed by our great insurancenindustry. The recognition this holiday brings our industry is attempting tonchange the image of insurance being a boring career with the long term goal ofnbringing youth into insurance.

A recent study conducted by McKinsey and Co., 25{2bc9627969701bb4ebf443dc9b42267a3e0ee21b32f7076f00452ea26c0738db} ofninsurance processionals will reach retirement by this year. Another study bynGriffith Insurance Education Foundation found that only 5{2bc9627969701bb4ebf443dc9b42267a3e0ee21b32f7076f00452ea26c0738db} of college studentsnwere “very interested” in a career in insurance. Our friends at Pioneer StatenMutual Insurance Company took it upon themselves to launch this campaign tonraise awareness of the great need for youthful talent in insurance. They havendone a phenomenal job of this and we are thrilled to represent this greatnMichigan based company in our office.

Our team enthusiastically took it upon themselves to comendressed as the best insurance nerds ever! We had pigtails, lipstick on teeth,nsuspenders, taped glasses, loads of insurance reading and training materials,ncalculators, and pocket protectors to name a few. We love how we help peoplenduring their good times and bad times. We love to educate our clients andnpotential clients on the insurance risks and provide them with options. Wenpride ourselves on our commitment to staying current with all of the changingninsurance trends through continuing education classes, working on insurancendesignations, reading insurance magazines and articles both in print andnonline. We love researching coverages and presenting them to our team duringnteam meetings.

Here are a few pictures from one of our favoritenholidays! We love being your insurance nerds and we look forward to helping younwith your insurance program! #teammllins #NationalInsuranceNerdDay

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FRIDAY HOURS: Our office will be closing at 4PM on Friday's. If you have a claims emergency please call 517-351-9117 or click on "Client Services" for help.