Spreading Christmas Cheer with Financial Strategies Group

This year we partnered with our friends at Financial Strategies Group (FSG) to spread Christmas cheer and give back to our community!  FSG created a competition called “Who’s The Best At Christmas.”  We competed in a lip sync challenge where we “sang” “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.”  Take a minute to give our video a watch!  It’s exceptional! Ha!

If you love our video please drop off an unwrapped toy to our office.  One toy = one vote in the competition.  We would love to win the contest with FSG but more importantly we are excited to give back to our community with supplying Child and Family Charities with a fantastic Christmas!  Thank you for your generosity!  #teammllins #GrandmaGotRunOverByAReindeer #lipsyncchallenge #killedit #1toy1vote


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