We are Here for You and Your Business!

We are Here for You and Your Business!

Less than a month ago it sure feels like CV-19 became very real for a number of us. At times it feels like that is all you hear about! It has crept its way into every facet of our lives. We are using new terms like “social distancing” and “flattening the curve” and “the corona 19” instead of the “freshmen 15.” The other day I noticed on my iPhone that Apple has a CV-19 Screening Tool.

Sometimes it feels like the memes keep us going now that many of us are under shelter in place mandates. We are facing a lot of uncertainty in our work and home lives. So many activities, events and classes have been cancelled along with plans and it has put a lot of stress on everyone. We understand that and are here for you when and if you need us!

Our agency is currently closed to the public for the safety of our team and has been this way for a few weeks now. Over half our team is working remotely with laptops and our phone system. We have a skeleton crew working in the office to handle items that just can’t be done from home.

This situation has helped us to use a lot less paper than what we were currently using! Ha! We had plans to work on updating a few of these procedures in the second and third quarter of this year. CV-19 has pushed us to do that a bit sooner than we had anticipated! Our team has done a fantastic job of assimilating to new processes and procedures and has a fantastic attitude as they transition to working from home. We all stay connected through Slack and our daily Zoom meeting! We use these meetings as an opportunity to stay connected and to actually see each other every day!

If you need us still reach out to us the same as you did before. We are available through email, text, messenger etc. Contact us however works for you! Stay in touch through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and our website. If you have a claims emergency you can call 517-351-9117 or visit our website www.mllins.com for additional information.

If you have a question about your bill or need an extension etc below is a list of all of the companies we work with and their billing phone numbers! Please be patient as they are experiencing high call volumes during this time.

Stay safe!

Billing Phone Numbers

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Meiers Lombardini Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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FRIDAY HOURS: Our office will be closing at 4PM on Friday's. If you have a claims emergency please call 517-351-9117 or click on "Client Services" for help.