Robert Graham Meiers Jr. Awarded Presidential Citation by MAIA President Will Lemanski

Will Lemanski was recently elected as President of the Michigan Association of Independent Agents (MAIA) in September. He presented a presidential citation to Robert “Bob” Graham Meiers Jr. this past month.

Bob is Will’s uncle and former founding owner of Meiers Lombardini Lemanski Insurance. Bob has mentored Will in sales, agency management, and the insurance industry up until his retirement a few years ago.

The citation was presented to Bob “In appreciation of your invaluable mentorship and being an exemplary and principled ambassador on behalf of our industry.” Bob is a third-generation insurance agent and was a staple at the agency for over 40 years. His knowledge, guidance and friendship has helped propel Lemanski through many exciting and challenging times of agency ownership.

Will presented Bob with this citation early this month at his home in the Upper Peninsula. Congratulations Bob and thank you for your leadership and mentor ship for these last 15+ years! #teammllins #maiapresidentialcitation #mentor #bigdeal #totalsurprise #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #familybusiness #fourthgenerationbusinessowner #familyfirst #insurance


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