Who’s the Best At Christmas??? Back to Back Winners!
This October we were asked by our friends at Financial Strategies Group, if we would participate in the “Who’s the Best At Christmas?” competition this year. A couple other local businesses would also be joining us as well! This year we were asked to create a humane Christmas tree in 8 minutes with a max of $50 spent and three helpers to decorate our humane tree. Votes would be tallied by the number of donated items that teams collected for their selected charity.
Our team got right to work and after loads of planning and safety precautions we transformed our very own Chris Cook into an amazing humane Christmas tree in just under 8 minutes!! This spectacular display couldn’t have been possible without our dedicated tree, Chris Cook and our three amazing decorators! Chris’s ensemble included a tree skirt, lights, paper chain, candy canes, wrapped presents, green sparkly face paint, Christmas mask and a specialty curated star duct taped to his back! Ha! He looked AMAZING!!!
Now comes the selection of the charity and after some consideration we chose Homeless Angels. Homeless Angels was founded in 2013 with a mission to find, befriend and build up the less fortunate. They have a street ministry team, provide dinners in the park, advocate, provide a community funded hotel as well as provide set up housing for the homeless. We contacted them and they were in need of hats, gloves, socks, and gently used and clean coats.
Between the four local businesses that competed we all collected 650 items for our respective charities! It was an amazing effort by everyone and we all made our communities a much better place for working so hard to provide them with resources that they needed.
Our agency alone collected over 500 items for Homeless Angels!! Winning the “Who’s Best At Christmas” award for back to back wins!! A huge thank you not only to our team and their families and friends but also to our clients who stepped up and helped us also!