7 Safety Tips for Uber/Lyft

7 Safety Tips for Uber/Lyft

How many of us use Uber and/or Lyft? Do you use it regularly or just here and there for work or when out with friends? We have put together seven tips on how to stay safe when using either of these apps. We have found them very helpful!

1-Slow down and pay attention.

Please make sure to pay attention to the app for either of the two ride share companies for any details you need to know about your ride. If something feels off it probably is so don’t get it the vehicle. Trust your gut and cancel the ride and be aware of your surroundings.

2-Request your ride from inside and not outside. This way you don’t wait by yourself outside for your ride to get there. Don’t forget that you can customize your pick up information to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

3-Check your ride. This means you are matching the make and model of the car. It should match the app. Check the license plate and the profile picture of the driver to make sure all of those match the app.

4-Make sure the driver confirms your name by asking “Who are you here to pick up?” Also, confirm your driver’s name. You don’t want to get into the wrong vehicle.

5-Sit in the back seat and buckle your seat belt. This gives you and the driver space to make both of you comfortable with the ride.

6-Make sure to share your trip details with loved ones. You can do this in both apps so that your loved ones can follow you especially if you are traveling alone.

7-Only message or call your driver via the app. This way the driver can’t send any strange texts or call you. Privacy is soo important!

The next time you travel no matter if for work or fun please make sure to keep these tips in the back of your mind. They just might keep you safe! Trust your gut! #teammllins #traveltips #uberlyfttravel #worktravel #funtravel #vacationtraveltips


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