When Do You Need Life Insurance? 

When Do You Need Life Insurance?

This is a great question and as any good life insurance agent would tell you, you always need life insurance and you can never have enough of it! Here are some times that we think are important to make sure that you review your life insurance program. Remember if you have life insurance through your work but you leave that position you can’t take your life insurance with you. So here goes:

-Getting married

-Having a child

-Buying a home with a mortgage

-Supporting aging parents

-Taking out a loan

-During a recession

-Starting a business

-Becoming self-employed

-Becoming a stay-at-home parent

-Owning a business for your business partner

If you should have any questions about your current life insurance program and would like to have your current program reviewed please give us a call at 517-351-9117. If you don’t have life insurance give us a call. We work with loads of fantastic life insurance companies that can work with you and your individual needs. #teammllins #lifeinsurnace #doyouhaveenoughlifeinsurance #insuance #life #lifeinsurancemichigan

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